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Unless otherwise set forth expressly hereunder, all capitalised terms shall have the same meaning as those provided for in the 《TVB “TV EASY” Booking Agreement》 (“Booking Agreement”).
The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) shall not be entitled to cancel or make any changes to the Booking Agreement that has been signed and agreed.
In Express Media Limited (“IEM”) shall have the absolute right to arrange the telecasting sequence of advertisements in each of the advertising blocs as specified in the Schedule of Entitlement (“Advertising Blocs”).
凌速傳播有限公司 (「本公司」) 擁有絕對權利,安排各客戶之廣告於廣告播出表所訂明的每一個 “宣傳易” 廣告專輯 (「廣告專輯」) 中之播放次序。
IEM shall use reasonable endeavours to telecast the advertisement of Product(s) (“Advertisement”) according to the date(s) and/or bloc(s) as reserved for the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (“Reserved Date and/or Bloc”) but shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from and in connection with its failure to do the same.
本公司將以合理的努力按照為廣告客戶及/或廣告代理預留的日期及/或廣告專輯 (「預留日期及/或專輯」) 播出其商品的廣告 (「廣告」),但將不須就無法達成而引致或與此有關的損失或損壞負上任何責任。
IEM shall have the absolute right to decide on the telecast date and/or time of the Advertising Blocs, and shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from and in connection with any changes to the telecast date and/or time of the Advertising Blocs.
Unless all Parties agreed that the Net Amount be paid by instalments in accordance with the Payment Schedule, the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) shall pay the Net Amount in full at least 14 business days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) before the initial telecasting or the production of any material for the Advertisement (“Advertising Material”), whichever is earlier.
除非立約方同意淨費用可以依照付款表所列的日期以分期付款的形式繳付,廣告客戶及/或廣告代理(在適用情況下)須於廣告首次播出或用以宣傳廣告之片段 (「廣告片」) 製作前至少十四個營業日前(並不包括星期六、星期日及公眾假期)付清淨費用,以先到期者為準。
Where Parties include:-
IEM, the Advertiser and the Advertising Agent, the Advertiser and the Advertising Agent concerned agree and undertake with IEM that they shall be jointly and severally liable for settlement of all sums that may become due and payable under this Booking Agreement, including but not limited to the Net Amount in full or in instalments as specified in the Payment Schedule and any additional fees payable under Clause 10 below (“Advertising Fees”).
IEM and either the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent, the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent concerned agrees and undertakes with IEM that it shall be liable for settlement of all sums that may become due and payable under this Booking Agreement, including but not limited to the Net Amount in full or in instalments as specified in the Payment Schedule and any additional fees payable under Clause 10 below (“Advertising Fees”)
本公司、廣告客戶及廣告代理,有關廣告客戶及廣告代理均須向本公司承擔繳付與本合約相關費用的共同及各別法律責任,當中包括但不限於付款表所訂明之全部或以分期形式繳付之淨費用,以及所有根據下文第10段所訂明的額外費用 (「廣告費用」)。
本公司及廣告客戶或廣告代理其中一方,有關廣告客戶或廣告代理須向本公司承擔繳付與本合約相關費用的法律責任,當中包括但不限於付款表所訂明之全部或以分期形式繳付之淨費用,以及所有根據下文第10段所訂明的額外費用 (「廣告費用」)。
If any of the Advertisement cannot be telecast in accordance with (i) the Reserved Date and/or Bloc or (ii) the Schedule of Entitlement due to failure on the part of the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) to provide appropriate materials for telecasting purposes, IEM shall have the right to demand for and receive payment of the Advertising Fees in full from the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned as if the Advertisement has been telecast in entirety. In such event, IEM shall be under no obligation whatsoever to telecast the Advertisement (or any part thereof) on any subsequent day.
如因廣告客戶/廣告代理(在適用情況下)未能提供合適廣告材料作播放用途,而導致任何廣告未能依照 (i)預留日期及/或專輯或 (ii)播出日期表如期播放,本公司有權向有關廣告客戶及/或廣告代理徵收廣告費用之全數,猶如已完成所有廣告播放一樣。 在此情況下,本公司並沒有責任需要於任何往後日子播放廣告(或其任何部份)。
Should the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent fail to pay all or any part of the Advertising Fees when they fall due and payable in accordance with the Booking Agreement, IEM shall have the right to immediately stop the telecasting of the Advertisement and demand the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent or both to pay forthwith to IEM the entire outstanding balance of the Advertising Fees in full. Should the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent or both fail to pay as demanded, IEM shall have the right to commence legal proceedings against the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent or both for the recovery of any amounts due under this Booking Agreement and any other fees related thereto.
若廣告客戶或廣告代理(在適用情況下)未能根據本合約繳付任何或任何部份之廣告費用,本公司有權立即停止播放廣告及要求廣告客戶或廣告代理或兩方即時繳付廣告費用之全數。 若有關廣告客戶或廣告代理或兩方未能按要求付清欠款,本公司有權分別向該廣告客戶或廣告代理或兩方同步採取法律行動追討任何有關本合約相關欠款及其他相關費用。
Save as provided in Clause 11 below, the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) shall instruct IEM to telecast the relevant Advertisement within the Telecasting Period, failing which IEM shall have the right to demand for and receive payment of additional fees.
IEM shall, at all times, have the right to cancel or make any changes to (i) the Schedule of Entitlement and/or (ii) any Reserved Date and/or Bloc without giving any prior notice to the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable).
本公司在任何時間有權不事先給予廣告客戶及/或廣告代理(在適用情況下)通知而取消或更改 (i)廣告播出表及/或 (ii)任何預留日期及/或專輯。
In the event of any cancellation or changes made pursuant to Clause 11 above,
IEM shall have the option, at its sole and absolute discretion, to either (a) charge the Advertiser and/or its Advertising Agent (where applicable) only for the part of Advertisements that has been telecast (“Partial Fees”) in accordance with the calculation method as set out in Clause 13 below and make refund for any paid sums in excess of the Partial Fees (if any), or (b) telecast the Advertisement in any Advertising Bloc(s) on any date as IEM and the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned may agree. For the avoidance of doubt, the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned shall not object to such discretion to be exercised by IEM under this Clause; and
IEM shall not be legally held responsible for any such cancellation or changes. Any such cancellation or changes shall not invalidate the Booking Agreement. The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned shall not claim against IEM for any loss or damage arising from and in connection with such cancellation or changes.
本公司將享有全權及絕對酌情決定權選擇以下其一 :(a) 就已播出之部分按下列第13段計算方法向廣告客戶及/或其廣告代理(在適用情況下)收取廣告費用 (「部分費用」),並退還超出部分費用之已繳付金額(如有的話);或 (b) 於本公司、有關廣告客戶及/或其廣告代理同意之任何日期及廣告專輯內播放廣告。為免存疑,有關廣告客戶及/或廣告代理不可對本公司之決定提出任何異議;及
本公司不會因任何此等取消或更改而須負上法律責任。任何此等取消或更改不會使本合約失效。 有關廣告客戶及/或廣告代理不得就此等取消或更改引致或有關的損失或損壞向本公司提出任何申索。
The Partial Fees shall be the aggregate sum of the fees payable to IEM for the Advertisement that has been telecast in each Telecast Duration (defined below) (“Unit Fees”) multiplied by the Discount (defined below).
For the avoidance of doubt, the Unit Fees shall be calculated by applying the following formula:-
Unit Fees = A x B
A = listed price in Hong Kong dollars of the Telecast Duration(s) (defined below) as per the Rate Card (defined below).
For the listed price of any duration other than those set out in the Rate Card, the price of which shall be prorated on the basis of the listed price of the 30-second duration within the same Advertising Bloc.
B = number of times the Advertisement has been telecast within the respective Telecast Duration(s) (defined below)
“Rate Card” shall mean the TV EASY Rate Card attached as Schedule II to this Booking Agreement in force at the time of signing of this Booking Agreement.
“Telecast Duration” shall mean each of the durations (namely 10-second, 15-second, 20-second and 30-second) within each of the Advertising Blocs as set out in the Rate Card.
“Discount” shall mean the discount represented in percentage as specified in the Booking Agreement.
單位費用 = A x B
A = 按宣傳易廣告價目表(定義見如下)內的播放時段(定義見如下)的港元價錢。
B = 廣告於相關的播放時段內已播出的次數。
「播放時段」指於宣傳易廣告價目表中每一個廣告專輯內的每一個時間長度 (即10秒、15秒、20秒及30秒)。

Contents of the Advertising Blocs, the Booking Agreement and the terms and conditions herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”), and the regulations and guidelines stipulated by the Broadcasting Authority of the HKSAR. The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) must abide by the laws and regulations stipulated by the HKSAR in respect of the standards of television advertisements. The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the HKSAR.
廣告專輯、本合約及本條款及細則內之所有內容乃受香港特別行政區法律 (「香港特區」) 及香港特區政府廣播事務管理局訂立的守則及指引所管轄及解釋。 廣告客戶及/或廣告代理(在適用情況下)須遵守香港特區對電視廣告標準所訂下之各項條例。有關廣告客戶及/或廣告代理同意接受香港特區法庭之非專用司法管轄權。
The Advertising Material produced by IEM under the Booking Agreement shall only be telecast in the Advertising Blocs of the TVB channel(s), and IEM shall be the owner of the production concept and all intellectual property rights of the advertising material concerned. The advertising material shall not be used by the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) for purposes other than those mentioned in the terms and conditions herein, or in any other form of telecasting or in any other media not agreed by IEM in writing. Any use of the Advertising Material without the written consent of IEM shall be unlawful and strictly prohibited. All rights to take legal actions against such unlawful use are hereby expressly reserved.
本合約內廣告套裝所包含之廣告片製作,只供於電視廣播有限公司之廣告專輯內播出,而相關廣告片及廣告創作意念及一切知識產權均屬本公司所有。 廣告客戶或廣告代理(在適用情況下)不得將該廣告片作任何非於本條款及細則內指明的其他用途,或於其他媒介以任何形式播出。 任何未得本公司書面同意而使用廣告片將為非法並被絕對禁止。 本公司對此等非法行為保留一切追究權利。
Where Advertising Material is provided by the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable), the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned warrant that:-
such Advertising Material does not contravene any laws of the HKSAR, and does not infringe any intellectual property rights;
such Advertising Material does not contain any libellous, slanderous or obscene materials and does not infringe the privacy of third parties; and
it has (they have) unrestricted rights to the use of any intellectual property right contained in such Advertising Material.
該廣告片不含誹謗、中傷第三者、猥褻成分,及不會侵犯第三者的私隱; 及
The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) shall be entitled to produce its own Advertising Material and choose not to use the production services as in the Booking Agreement. However, the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned shall not be entitled to deduct the production costs of the advertising material from the Net Amount.
Where the Advertising Material is provided by the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable), IEM reserves the right to amend any part of such material without giving any prior notice to the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned. The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned shall be liable to IEM for the costs of amendment.
如廣告片是由廣告客戶及/或廣告代理(在適用情況下)提供,本公司有權修改廣告片之任何部份而不事前通知有關廣告客戶及/或廣告代理。 有關廣告客戶及/或廣告代理須支付修改費用。
If the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) puts forward any additional requests in relation to the production of the Advertising Material, IEM shall have the right to receive additional payments from the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned.
The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent (where applicable) understand the contents of the Booking Agreement and the terms and conditions herein and agree to accept and be bound by the same. Where Parties include:-
IEM, the Advertiser and the Advertising Agent, the Advertiser and the Advertising Agent concerned agree to be jointly and severally liable for, and shall compensate or continue to compensate for, any liabilities or losses arising from the breach of the Booking Agreement and the terms and conditions herein by the Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agent concerned (where applicable);
IEM and either the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent, the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent concerned agrees to be liable for, and shall compensate or continue to compensate for, any liabilities or losses arising from the breach of the Booking Agreement and the terms and conditions herein by either the Advertiser or the Advertising Agent.
廣告客戶及/或廣告代理(在適用情況下)明白本條款及細則之內容並同意接受其約束。 假若立約方包括:-
In the event of any difference or inconsistency in the interpretation or meaning between the English and Chinese versions of the Booking Agreement and the terms and conditions herein, all parties to the Booking Agreement agree that the English version shall prevail.

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